Day 6 of 21 Challenge

Day 6: Shared by Marsha

John 6 is filled some action-packed moments that highlight some of Jesus’ greatest miracles. First, Jesus feeds 5 thousand with only 5 small loaves of bread.  Already knowing exactly how he would feed these people, Jesus asked Phillip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He was testing the faith of one of his own disciples.  As people often do, Phillip was focused on what seemed impossible rather than his faith in Christ.  Not only did the people have enough to eat, but there were leftovers.  This shows me that when things seem impossible, Jesus ALWAYS provides.  

We then see two more ways Jesus reveals his super natural power as the disciples were crossing the lake for Capernaum.  The first was when Jesus defied gravity by walking on water.  What stands out even more is that it doesn’t say they rowed some more until they reached the shore. It says when Jesus entered the boat, it “IMMEDIATELY” reached the shore.  These both show me that Jesus has sovereign authority over heaven and earth.  

Later, the crowd looked for Jesus to provide them with earthly, nourishment.  Instead he taught them that what they needed was eternal life through him so that they would never go hungry.  HE “is the bread of life.”  After hearing these hard teachings, many of the disciples stopped following Jesus.  Are there times in my life when I am tempted to be satisfied in things that are only temporary pleasing, rather than the on one that give me eternal life? When things get hard, do I run as the disciples did, or do I press into Jesus?


Day 7 of 21 Day Challenge


Day 5 of 21 Day Challenge