Day 5 of 21 Day Challenge
Day 5: Shared by Chris
John 5 is a fascinating multi-layered chapter in the gospels.
Here are some of my thoughts.
I love the Healing at the Pool of Bethesda, it is a true picture of human helplessness. The man at the pool had been an invalid for 38 years, a lifetime just waiting for someone, anyone to help guide him to the water when it was stirred. For me, this shows people's helplessness and dependence on God's grace.
Jesus, knowing the man's condition, takes the initiative to heal him. This shows God's active love and compassion for those who are suffering, this means so much to me and my family while we navigate the fight against my cancer. The healing is not just physical, it also symbolizes spiritual healing and new life. Jesus' command to the man, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk," signifies a new beginning and a call to action, take responsibility for his own life. The foreshadowing can even lead us to the crucifixion with the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders over the Sabbath. This chapter reveals Jesus' compassion, authority, and identity. It invites us to reflect on our helplessness, our need for healing, and the importance of believing in Jesus for salvation.