Day 2 of John 21 Challenge

Day 2: Shared by Stacy

In John 2 we see Jesus' first public miracle of his ministry on earth with the turning of water to wine at the wedding. What I feel like God shows me from this passage is Jesus showing the abundance of his love. He didn't change a small quantity to wine- they filled the pots to the brim. It wasn't good enough wine- it was the best. And having wine at the wedding wasn't life or death- it was a blessing. With his first miracle, He showed His great love.

Also in John 2 we have Jesus visiting the temple and finding them selling items and exchanging money and he made a whip, overturned tables, and ran them out. What I felt God showing me in this today was the importance of being a peacemaker and not just a peace keeper. What Jesus saw happening was preventing people from entering God's temple and the sanctity of His house and He would not allow that. A peace keeper would have said "Don't cause a scene." But in this moment Jesus showed us that being a peacemaker doesn't always mean just keeping quiet.


Day 3 of John 21 Challenge


Day 1 John 21 Challenge