Day 1 John 21 Challenge

Day One: Shared by PJ

While I was reading John 1 this morning, this is what God showed me:

Chapter one was long but it was really good. Verse 12 is like a sticky note on my fridge, reminding me that I'm a child of God and my Heavenly Father loves me. Just like so many others I struggle with identity by struggling with, “Am I doing enough, being enough, acting good enough, etc. This truth about being His son reminds me that He sees me even in the struggles and loves me just the way the I am. This gets me pumped to live a life that's all about honoring God and showing off His crazy love and faithfulness. In verse 14, it says Jesus is seen as "unfailing love and faithfulness." As a son of God, I'm praying that people see that same love and faithfulness coming out of me as I live my day-to-day life.

We would love to hear how God is speaking to you through the John 21 challenge. Please share your insight to:


Day 2 of John 21 Challenge


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