Day 11 of 21 Day Challenge

Day 11: Shared by Terri

John 11:35   Jesus wept.

This verse... although the shortest verse in the Bible, for me this verse held a lot in it especially as I read it today.  I feel like you don't get the truest impact of this verse without knowing what is going on before the verse appears as well as what goes on after. 

This verse doesn't just say that Jesus was upset and cried, it says "Jesus Wept".  He wept for the hurt of the people who were dear to Him.  He wept because His good friend Lazarus had died.  He saw how distraught they were and He felt it. 

The Messiah, who brought the dead back to life, who died and rose from the dead, felt the hurt right along those dearest to Him.  I love this because when we are feeling the emotion of something that hurts us as deeply as Mary and Martha had felt at the loss of their brother, I know that Jesus feels it with us. 

I know that He understands the hurt and pain we go through at times.  It doesn't always make it easy to go through but we do have a Savior who gets it and wants to bring comfort to the hurting.  We just need to open enough to allow Him to do so.


Day 12 of 21 Day Challenge


Day 10 of 21 Day Challenge