Day 10 of 21 Day Challenge
Day 10: Shared by Jess
First, I was impressed by the analogy of the sheep and the shepherd. How Jesus (the shepherd) calls his flock to follow him and trust in him and how we (the sheep) as followers of Christ should know his voice and follow him. As a shepherd would lay down his life for his sheep, so did Jesus willingly sacrifice himself for all those that will believe in and trust in him. John 10:14-15
Secondly, I’m surprised and amazed at how so many of the people who saw and heard of the great miracles Jesus was doing, still doubted that he was the Messiah. Even going as far as threatening to stone him where he stood. Aren’t we, even as Christians, often as doubtful and skeptical of Gods plan for our lives, but we must remember that God’s plan for our lives is greater than anything we can make happen through our own effort alone. John 10:28-29.
Trust your life to Jesus, stay in His word, and love your neighbor as yourself.