Day 20 of 21 Day Challenge

Day 20 Shared by Taylor

One of the most beautiful moments in John 20—apart from the resurrection itself—is Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene. Grief-stricken, she doesn’t recognize Him at first, mistaking Him for the gardener. But the moment He speaks her name, everything changes.

"Mary!" Jesus said.
She turned to Him and cried out, "Rabboni!" (which means "Teacher"). 

John 20:16

This moment echoes Jesus' words in John 10:27: "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Mary was desperate to find Jesus, but her sorrow clouded her vision, until His voice broke through.

Isn’t that just like Jesus? In our deepest grief, confusion, or distraction, we may not always recognize His presence. Pain can blur our vision, making it hard to see that He’s right there with us. But when He speaks, when He calls us by name, His voice cuts through every doubt, fear, and sorrow. It is familiar, personal, and full of love.

Just as Mary recognized Him the moment He spoke her name, we too are invited into that same intimacy. Jesus is not distant; He is a close and personal Shepherd who calls each of His sheep individually. He doesn’t see just a crowd. He sees you. He knows your name, your story, and the burdens you carry.

So in moments of uncertainty, grief, or when you feel lost, listen for His voice. He is calling you, reminding you that He is near. He has never left. His voice is steady, full of love, and unmistakable to those who belong to Him.


Day 19 of 21 Day Challenge